"It has not been an easy road for me or for those who care about me, but proper medication and the support of MHMR, has made my life much easier."
- William
MAIN LINE: 979.822.6467
MENTAL HEALTH ROUTINE SERVICES: 979.361.9815 - TOLL FREE: 1.800.282.6467
MHMR AUTHORITY of Brazos Valley
Each year, over 7,600 children and adults throughout a seven county area depend on the services provided by MHMR Authority of Brazos Valley. Adults and children with either a mental illness or intellectual & developmental disability know they can count on MHMRABV for help. A wide array of services are provided so that each person served can truly live with dignity and independence. While MHMRABV is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, some funding is received through grants and contracts. Unfortunately, these resources do not meet the level of need for our community. Your donation will be used to bridge this gap and will enable our clients to receive the help they need. An investment in MHMRABV is an investment in our community.
Complaint Process
To make a complaint regarding services provided by MHMRABV please contact
Shelly Espinoza MHMRABV Rights Protection Officer 979-822-6467 or 1-800-282-6467 Mailing Address: PO Box 4588 Bryan, TX 77805 Email Address: clientrights@mhmrabv.org
If complaint not resolved to client satisfaction contact the Office of Ombudsman at 1-800-252-8154 or Email: ombudsmanbehavioralhealth@hhsc.state.tx.us.