Intellectual and Developmental Disability (I.D.D.)
The center assists eligible persons with a diagnosis of an intellectual and developmental disability, autism, or pervasive developmental disorders in their efforts to access community-based services available from a range of providers, including the center itself. Based on the individual’s desired level of community participation, quality of life and available resources, the services accessed may include:
- Vocational and Supported Employment services to assist an individual in preparing for, finding and maintaining employment.
- Day Habilitation services to improve skills in the areas of health and safety, community awareness, personal development, daily living/homemaking, and social interaction.
- Residential services structured to provide viable alternatives to institutional living, while promoting self-determination and personal independence.
- Health and nursing services to address ongoing dental and health needs, medication side effects, and communications with dentist, primary care physician or psychiatrist.
- Various specialized therapies including, but not limited to, psychological therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, dietary therapy.
In addition to the center’s responsibility to assist the individual in identifying, locating, and obtaining the desired supports and services, the center is also charged with coordinating and monitoring the delivery of these supports and services.
For information regarding the steps required to determine eligibility for the supports and services outlined above, please contact our Intake and Eligibility Unit at (979) 822-6467.